Monday, April 13, 2009

For Prosperity Gospel Pastors


Someone I know is now back going to church. But when he told me which one, my heart sank.

The messages i happened to hear the times i was in this SIngapore megachurch were hard for me to take having spent time with Christians who live in extreme poverty and are unlikely to have that change in this lifetime. You know how it was all i could do to stay in my seat and kept telling myself,

"He's just not had a chance to be exposed to the needs of the world and God's economy of "blessing" that doesn't = material comfort. if he's reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit, eventually his values will change and he'll stop making such outrageous promises about the Christian life."

Lord, I pray that you will expose him and break his heart for the poor and give him insight into how to use his powerful platform for rallying the church to dream about eradicating the world of some solve-able problems rather than appealing to our lust for buying more glamourous cars.

(Remember when he actually gave a sermon example about how the asia financial crisis was a blessing to him because he got to buy a better mercedes than he was thinking he'd be able to afford? Both times I went I heard things like this and it made me angry. Help me to have your righteous anger and not sin with this anger.)

Lord, I know this church is an inspiration to many toward living God honoring lives, and no doubt, we've all got some of our theology screwed up somewhere. Thank you that inspite of all our weaknesses you can still use us to introduce others to the reality of you and your love for us.


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